LD45 rigid foam cleanroom packaging
LD45 rigid foam is commonly used in clean spaces such as cleanrooms. LD45 is easy to clean and therefore suitable as clean packaging for many applications in the high-tech and mechatronics sectors.
Cleanroom standard packaging with DFB C/103 coated foam
Clean packaging and putting an end to particles!
High-tech and nanotech are demanding cleaner and cleaner packaging solutions, where particles and contamination are eliminated as much as possible. Dust particles can settle into the pores of foams. This can be reduced by applying our DFB C/103 foam coating with a hardness of shore 65A. We have developed it especially for this sector and it is tested for outgassing and fumes. PE Ld45 is used as a base, after which a special DFB foam coating is applied according to a strict process, preserving the properties of the foam.
A foam product finished with DFB foam coating has a seamless top layer, is easy to clean and water-resistant. Ideal for clean and hygienic working environments.
A few advantages of DFB C/103 foam coating:
· Tested for outgassing and fumes from harmful substances for cleanroom use.
· Less risk of particles and contamination.
· Strong, seamless top layer.
· Easy to clean.
· Retains foam properties.
. Suitable for cleanroom and medical applications.